a sacred opportunity for you to purify your old self so your new self can emerge

intentional paper pyramid to add to your ritual rose ceremony

soulfully crafted roses charged with deep purpose

instructions on how to create your own sacred surrender ceremony

What You Get

The Ritual Rose was created for you to release what no longer serves you so your deepest desires can become a reality. Every Ritual Rose Includes...

The Ritual Rose is the first ever paper flower intended for use in spiritual burning rituals. 

It's time...

To discover the beauty of Letting Go

A Rose Release Ceremony is a way of releasing the past, negativity or suffering to create space for growth.

Fire is a symbol of wisdom, knowledge, passion, and purification. 

Daphny Lauren is a retail executive turned paper artist & entrepreneur. Since designing her first paper flower in 2016, she's created hundred of custom bouquets, designed dozens of event installations & launched 3 unique businesses to support female entrepreneurs in their wealth creation journey.

Her Mission: Help & inspire women to create sustainable alignment, and embodied abundance from their natural passions.

SOULFUL ceo, sculptress of roses, spiritual coach, and energy healer who is here to help others manifest their deepest desires for their life + business

I'm Daphny! A Mama in business who brings the Soul to the table.

This one's on me. Grab our most popular Freebie before you go!

leaving so soon?

In business, embodiment is the physical manifestation of your Inspired Mission as a product or service. This makes your Mission the foundation of your business itself. In this meditation, we explore your "joy-sparkers" or the things that light up your soul. Once you understand where your personal natural joys lie, you can highlight them in our Mission to create massive impact in your offers.

Defining your Inspired Mission Meditation

You are a Divine and sacred being but if your mindset is misaligned with this truth, the power of your divinity will remain just out of reach. This meditation helps you reconnect with your own divine sacredness on this earth. Once our inner beliefs match our outer reality, infinite success is suddenly within our grasp.

Manifesting Mindset Meditation

Featured Freebies:
Let's GROW together!

The journaling guide to personal embodiment is a series of carefully curated prompts to help you: define your most desired life, outline obstacles you might be facing, embody your most desired life & so much more!

Journal guide to personal embodiment

Welcome friend! I'm your fave embodiment guide & creative. Pull up a seat and stay for awhile.

Daphny Lauren